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FAQ: Generators

What are some server generator use cases?

We have around 40+ server generators, with more added regularly. Some of these include Spring in your choice of Java or Kotlin, the Finch and Scalatra frameworks using Scala, and C# generators for ASP.NET and Azure Functions (to name only a few).

Besides generating the server code as a starting point to implement the API backend, here are some use cases of the server generators:

  • prototyping - one can generate the server code and have a functional API backend very quickly to try different things or features.
  • mocking - easily provide an API backend for mocking based on the examples field defined in the response object.
  • migration - let's say one wants to migrate an API backend from Ruby on Rails to Java Spring. The server generator can save a lot of time in implementing and verify each endpoint in the new API backend.
  • evaluating - when you want to try a new language or framework, and a typical "Hello, World" is too trivial.


The API client has SSL errors due to an invalid certificate. Is there a way to bypass that?

Yes, please refer to

How can I customize the Feign client templates?

You will need to provide customized files in Java/libraries/feign under the resources folder and pass the location via the -t option.

In your Gradle build script, please add the following (example):

config.templateDir = 'src/openapi-generator-templates/Java/libraries/feign


How can I generate an Android SDK?

The Java SDK is also compatible with Android.

[RECOMMENDED] To generate the Java SDK with okhttp and gson libraries, run the following:

mvn clean package
java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \
-i \
-l java --library=okhttp-gson \
--additional-properties hideGenerationTimestamp=true \
-o /var/tmp/java/okhttp-gson/

You can also generate the Java SDK with other HTTP libraries by replacing okhttp-gson with retrofit for example. For a list of support libraries, please run

java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar config-help -l java

To generate the Android SDK with volley, please run

mvn clean package
java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \
-i \
-l android --library=volley \
-o /var/tmp/android/volley/

We do not recommend using the default HTTP library (Apache HttpClient) with android as it's not actively maintained.


How do I fix CSC: warning CS2002 in Xamarin?

The full warning might look like this: CSC: warning CS2002: Source file 'Api/FakeApi.cs' specified multiple times

The warning has no impact on the build process so you should be able to build the solution without issue. The warning should be addressed in the upcoming stable release of Xamarin.


How do I run integration test with Petstore ObjC API client?

Here are the steps:

git clone
cd openapi-generator/samples/client/petstore/objc/default/OpenAPIClientTests
mvn integration-test

Besides default (folder) ObjC API client, there's also core-data for another ObjC API client with Core Data support.


How do I run integration test with Petstore Swift API client?

Here are the steps:

git clone
cd openapi-generator/samples/client/petstore/swift/default/OpenAPIClientTests
mvn integration-test

Which Swift generator is still actively maintained?

Please use swift5 generator because Swift 4.x is deprecated. There is a new swift6 generator, that is currently in beta, try it and give us your feedback.

How do I implement bearer token authentication with URLSession on the Swift 5 API client?

First you subclass RequestBuilderFactory

    class BearerRequestBuilderFactory: RequestBuilderFactory {
func getNonDecodableBuilder<T>() -> RequestBuilder<T>.Type {

func getBuilder<T: Decodable>() -> RequestBuilder<T>.Type {

Then you subclass URLSessionRequestBuilder and URLSessionDecodableRequestBuilder

    class BearerRequestBuilder<T>: URLSessionRequestBuilder<T> {
override func execute(_ apiResponseQueue: DispatchQueue = PetstoreClientAPI.apiResponseQueue, _ completion: @escaping (Result<Response<T>, ErrorResponse>) -> Void) -> RequestTask {

// Before making the request, we can validate if we have a bearer token to be able to make a request
BearerTokenHandler.refreshTokenIfDoesntExist {

// Here we make the request
super.execute(apiResponseQueue) { result in

switch result {
case .success:
// If we got a successful response, we send the response to the completion block

case let .failure(error):

// If we got a failure response, we will analyse the error to see what we should do with it
if case let ErrorResponse.error(_, data, response, error) = error {

// If the error is an ErrorResponse.error() we will analyse it to see if it's a 401, and if it's a 401, we will refresh the token and retry the request
data: data,
response: response,
error: error
) { wasTokenRefreshed in

if wasTokenRefreshed {
// If the token was refreshed, it's because it was a 401 error, so we refreshed the token, and we are going to retry the request by calling self.execute()
self.execute(apiResponseQueue, completion)
} else {
// If the token was not refreshed, it's because it was not a 401 error, so we send the response to the completion block
} else {
// If it's an unknown error, we send the response to the completion block


return requestTask

class BearerDecodableRequestBuilder<T: Decodable>: URLSessionDecodableRequestBuilder<T> {
override func execute(_ apiResponseQueue: DispatchQueue = PetstoreClientAPI.apiResponseQueue, _ completion: @escaping (Result<Response<T>, ErrorResponse>) -> Void) -> RequestTask {
// Before making the request, we can validate if we have a bearer token to be able to make a request
BearerTokenHandler.refreshTokenIfDoesntExist {

// Here we make the request
super.execute(apiResponseQueue) { result in

switch result {
case .success:
// If we got a successful response, we send the response to the completion block

case let .failure(error):

// If we got a failure response, we will analyse the error to see what we should do with it
if case let ErrorResponse.error(_, data, response, error) = error {

// If the error is an ErrorResponse.error() we will analyse it to see if it's a 401, and if it's a 401, we will refresh the token and retry the request
data: data,
response: response,
error: error
) { wasTokenRefreshed in

if wasTokenRefreshed {
// If the token was refreshed, it's because it was a 401 error, so we refreshed the token, and we are going to retry the request by calling self.execute()
self.execute(apiResponseQueue, completion)
} else {
// If the token was not refreshed, it's because it was not a 401 error, so we send the response to the completion block
} else {
// If it's an unknown error, we send the response to the completion block


return requestTask

class BearerTokenHandler {
private static var bearerToken: String? = nil

static func refreshTokenIfDoesntExist(completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
if bearerToken != nil {
} else {
startRefreshingToken {

static func refreshTokenIfUnauthorizedRequestResponse(data: Data?, response: URLResponse?, error: Error?, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
if let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse, response.statusCode == 401 {
startRefreshingToken {
} else {

private static func startRefreshingToken(completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
// Get a bearer token
let dummyBearerToken = "..."

bearerToken = dummyBearerToken
PetstoreClientAPI.customHeaders["Authorization"] = "Bearer \(dummyBearerToken)"


Then you assign the BearerRequestBuilderFactory to the property requestBuilderFactory.

PetstoreClientAPI.requestBuilderFactory = BearerRequestBuilderFactory()

The name PetstoreClientAPI.requestBuilderFactory will change depending on your project name.

Here is a working sample that put's together all of this. AppDelegate.swift BearerDecodableRequestBuilder.swift

How do I implement bearer token authentication with Alamofire on the Swift 5 API client?

First you subclass RequestBuilderFactory

    class BearerRequestBuilderFactory: RequestBuilderFactory {
func getNonDecodableBuilder<T>() -> RequestBuilder<T>.Type {

func getBuilder<T: Decodable>() -> RequestBuilder<T>.Type {

Then you subclass AlamofireRequestBuilder and AlamofireDecodableRequestBuilder

    class BearerRequestBuilder<T>: AlamofireRequestBuilder<T> {
override func createSessionManager() -> SessionManager {
let sessionManager = super.createSessionManager()

let bearerTokenHandler = BearerTokenHandler()
sessionManager.adapter = bearerTokenHandler
sessionManager.retrier = bearerTokenHandler

return sessionManager

class BearerDecodableRequestBuilder<T: Decodable>: AlamofireDecodableRequestBuilder<T> {
override func createSessionManager() -> SessionManager {
let sessionManager = super.createSessionManager()

let bearerTokenHandler = BearerTokenHandler()
sessionManager.adapter = bearerTokenHandler
sessionManager.retrier = bearerTokenHandler

return sessionManager

class BearerTokenHandler: RequestAdapter, RequestRetrier {
private static var bearerToken: String? = nil

func adapt(_ urlRequest: URLRequest) throws -> URLRequest {
if let bearerToken = Self.bearerToken {
var urlRequest = urlRequest
urlRequest.setValue("Bearer \(bearerToken)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
return urlRequest

return urlRequest

func should(_: SessionManager, retry request: Request, with _: Error, completion: @escaping RequestRetryCompletion) {
if let response = request.task?.response as? HTTPURLResponse, response.statusCode == 401 {
Self.startRefreshingToken { isTokenRefreshed in
completion(isTokenRefreshed, 0.0)
} else {
completion(false, 0.0)

private static func startRefreshingToken(completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
// Get a bearer token
let dummyBearerToken = "..."

bearerToken = dummyBearerToken
PetstoreClientAPI.customHeaders["Authorization"] = "Bearer \(dummyBearerToken)"


Then you assign the BearerRequestBuilderFactory to the property requestBuilderFactory.

PetstoreClientAPI.requestBuilderFactory = BearerRequestBuilderFactory()

The name PetstoreClientAPI.requestBuilderFactory will change depending on your project name.

Here is a working sample that put's together all of this. AppDelegate.swift BearerTokenHandler.swift

How do I implement bearer token authentication with URLSession on the Swift 6 API client?

First you implement the OpenAPIInterceptor protocol.

public class BearerOpenAPIInterceptor: OpenAPIInterceptor {
public init() {}

public func intercept<T>(urlRequest: URLRequest, urlSession: URLSessionProtocol, requestBuilder: RequestBuilder<T>, completion: @escaping (Result<URLRequest, any Error>) -> Void) {

guard requestBuilder.requiresAuthentication else {
// no authentication required

refreshTokenIfDoesntExist { token in

// Change the current url request
var newUrlRequest = urlRequest
newUrlRequest.setValue("Bearer \(token)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")

// Change the global headers
requestBuilder.openAPIClient.customHeaders["Authorization"] = "Bearer \(token)"


public func retry<T>(urlRequest: URLRequest, urlSession: URLSessionProtocol, requestBuilder: RequestBuilder<T>, data: Data?, response: URLResponse?, error: Error, completion: @escaping (OpenAPIInterceptorRetry) -> Void) {
// We will analyse the response to see if it's a 401, and if it's a 401, we will refresh the token and retry the request
data: data,
response: response,
error: error
) { (wasTokenRefreshed, newToken) in

if wasTokenRefreshed, let newToken = newToken {

// Change the global headers
requestBuilder.openAPIClient.customHeaders["Authorization"] = "Bearer \(newToken)"

} else {
// If the token was not refreshed, it's because it was not a 401 error, so we send the response to the completion block

private var bearerToken: String? = nil

func refreshTokenIfDoesntExist(completionHandler: @escaping (String) -> Void) {
if let bearerToken = bearerToken {
} else {
startRefreshingToken { token in

func refreshTokenIfUnauthorizedRequestResponse(data: Data?, response: URLResponse?, error: Error, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool, String?) -> Void) {
if let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse, response.statusCode == 401 {
startRefreshingToken { token in
completionHandler(true, token)
} else {
completionHandler(false, nil)

private func startRefreshingToken(completionHandler: @escaping (String) -> Void) {
// Get a bearer token
let dummyBearerToken = "..."

bearerToken = dummyBearerToken


Then you assign the BearerOpenAPIInterceptor to the property OpenAPIClient.shared.interceptor.

OpenAPIClient.shared.interceptor = BearerOpenAPIInterceptor()

Here is a working sample that put's together all of this. AppDelegate.swift BearerTokenHandler.swift

How do I implement bearer token authentication with Alamofire on the Swift 6 API client?

First implement the Alamofire RequestInterceptor protocol.

class BearerTokenHandler: RequestInterceptor, @unchecked Sendable {
private var bearerToken: String? = nil

func adapt(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, for session: Session, completion: @escaping (Result<URLRequest, Error>) -> Void) {
if let bearerToken = bearerToken {
var urlRequest = urlRequest
urlRequest.setValue("Bearer \(bearerToken)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")



func retry(_ request: Request, for session: Session, dueTo error: Error, completion: @escaping (RetryResult) -> Void) {
if let response = request.task?.response as? HTTPURLResponse, response.statusCode == 401 {
startRefreshingToken { isTokenRefreshed in
} else {

private func startRefreshingToken(completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
// Get a bearer token
let dummyBearerToken = "..."

bearerToken = dummyBearerToken
OpenAPIClient.shared.customHeaders["Authorization"] = "Bearer \(dummyBearerToken)"


Then you assign the BearerTokenHandler to the property OpenAPIClient.shared.interceptor.

OpenAPIClient.shared.interceptor = BearerTokenHandler()

Here is a working sample that put's together all of this. AppDelegate.swift BearerTokenHandler.swift

How do I migrate from the Swift 5 generator to the swift 6 generator?

  • Change the generator to the new swift6 generator, e.g. openapi-generator generate -i -g swift6 -o /tmp/test/
  • Check the swift6 URLSession and Alamofire samples.
  • The infrastructure files have been moved to a new directory called Infrastructure. Please delete the old ones.
  • The AnyCodable dependency has been removed and replaced with a new enum called JSONValue, allowing you to use this generator without external dependencies.
  • The Combine response is now deferred by default, meaning the request will only start when you begin listening to it. To restore the previous behavior, set the combineDeferred flag to false.
  • A new configuration, apiStaticMethod, allows you to use instance methods instead of class methods for API calls. For more information, check the sample project apiNonStaticMethod.
  • The new default response is based on async/await. To revert to the previous behavior, set the responseAs flag to ObjcBlock.
  • The default project structure now follows the SPM (Swift Package Manager) structure. To revert to the old structure, set the useSPMFileStructure flag to false.
  • The former {{projectName}}API is now called {{projectName}}APIConfiguration.
  • You can now set a request interceptor and retrier by configuring OpenAPIClient.shared.interceptor, making authenticated requests easier to manage.


The JSON response fails to deserialize due to change in variable naming (snake_case to camelCase). Is there any way to keep the original naming?

Yes, please use the following option when generating TypeScript clients:

Naming convention for the property: 'camelCase', 'PascalCase', 'snake_case' and 'original', which keeps the original name (Default: camelCase)